
Photos of Jeff Snider.

2004012300.gifRandom photo of me in my bedroom.
200309190019.gifSeptember 19, 2003. At a friend's house during the Hurricane Isabel blackout. (note the unwashed hair -- yuck!)
200309170044.gifSeptember 17, 2003. At a birthday party for some fencers.
200309170041.gifSeptember 17, 2003. At a birthday party for some fencers.
200309160008.gifSeptember 16, 2003. Random photo of me in my bedroom.
2003080000.gifAugust, 2003. On the street in San Francisco.
2003020901.gifFebruary 9, 2003. My impression of a terrorist with a box cutter.
2003020900.gifFebruary 9, 2003. Taking a nap.
2002082400.gifAugust 24, 2002. The US team and our coach at World Championships in Lisbon, Portugal.
2002071500.gifJuly 15, 2002. Sydney, Australia: the US Team posing with our medals.
2002052700.gifMay 27, 2002. In Taiwan, my tour guide, and my then scraggly beard.
2002040600.gifApril 6, 2002. I grew the scraggly beard for this trip to Iran.
2001101400.gifOctober 14, 2001. Holding a winner's plaque.
2001092201.gifSeptember 22, 2001. Another individual medal.
2001092200.gifSeptember 22, 2001. Another individual medal.
2001090301.gifSeptember 3, 2001. At my cousin's wedding.
2001090300.gifSeptember 3, 2001. Walking the coast.
2001050602.gifMay 6, 2001. Preparing to fence.
2001050601.gifMay 6, 2001. Fencing.
2001050600.gifMay 6, 2001. Joe Hoffman and me, with our 2nd and 1st place edged trophies respectively.
2001012100.gifJanuary 21, 2001. Playing dress up at a tournament.
2001010100.gifJanuary 1st, 2001. Me in my home's clutter.
2000120400.gifDecember 4th, 2000. Me holding my mother's cat Emily.
2000092400.gifSeptember 24, 2000. The scary face of intensity.
2000092300.gifSeptember 23, 2000. Other medalists, and me holding the tournament trophy.
2000051500.gifMay 15, 2000. Sicilia Chinn and me in a tricky photo.
2000040801.gifApril 8, 2000. In Cleveland. Long hair!
2000040800.gifApril 8, 2000. Fencing in Cleveland.
Chronological Listing